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What is gratitude?
Gratitude is about being thankful and grateful for the positive things that we experience in our life. It is a feeling of appreciation, of positivity and of reassurance. The science tells us that the practice of gratitude works.
But it’s not enough to be thankful — you need to know why you are grateful.
Start your day with:
I am grateful for ………………………….. because ……………………………….
When we are undergoing challenging or stressful times or experiencing poor mental health it can be very difficult to see any good in our lives. Our outlook may be bleak, and our feelings can be overwhelmingly depressing and disheartening. This is the time gratitude can be most helpful.
Gratitude invites us to change our perspective. It helps us reflect on our experience or situation in a different way. This helps diminish depression, reduce fear, panic or anxiety, opens our minds to another perspective and changes our thinking to focus on possible solutions.
Gratitude takes practice!
We need to cultivate our gratitude attitude. We need to embrace the concept of positivity and gratitude. We must actively engage in gratitude every day. Research tells us that it takes 66 days for a new behaviour to become automatic. When we practice gratitude daily it becomes habitual and we reap the benefits in good times and importantly, when we are experiencing poor mental health.
Say it out loud. Tell somebody else. Write it down. Mean it. Own it.
You will find an exercise to undertaken on gratitude in the Course Workbook on page 30: